Faith in Motion
Love in Action
2 Corinthians 5:7 “For we live by faith, not by sight”
1 John 4:19 “We love because He first loved us”


Welcome to the Calvary Baptist Church website. We are excited that you would take the time to view our site and see the many opportunities we offer in serving our Lord Jesus Christ. We hope to answer your questions as you browse our different pages.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Verse of the Week:
This is the covenant that I will make
with them after those days, saith the Lord,
I will put my laws into their hearts,
and in their minds will I write them;
And their sins and iniquities
will I remember no more.
Hebrews 10:16-17


We ‘re glad that you have stopped by to learn what we’re all about. We hope you see our passion for Jesus and His gospel. He is the only reason that we do what we do — preaching, children’s ministry, outreach, and even singing.

If you were to ask us to describe ourselves in one sentence, we would say, “We’re a gospel centered, city focused, church community.”

These three elements create the DNA for us to live all of life for the glory of Jesus. As a Gospel Centered church, you will notice that we believe the gospel is so much more than a starting point for people. The gospel is all of life, and it shapes the very way in which we live life together with our family, friends, city, and the rest of the world. We want to view and live all of life through gospel, which is the truth for all of us.