Posted on May 1, 2019 by David Hagan in David Hagan Blog | 756
This past weekend we had our first Guy’s Retreat! This was a great opportunity to spend some time with teenage guys and to teach them things like grilling, hunting, automotive maintenance and how to safely use power tools. The funny thing to me was that this came across as a great idea and needs to be done more! Why does that strike me funny? Because those should be staples of men’s lives taught by dad, granddad or other father figures during those young impressionable year’s of a boy’s life. I know that there are going to be some exceptions, but that’s just it. It should be exceptions, instead it seemed to be the norm in most of the young men that participated this past weekend. They understood many of the concepts, they knew these things were done by somebody, but many of them didn’t have a clue about some of the common things we went over. They didn’t understand cleaning out the charcoal grate, piling up the charcoal to light and get a burn started, that a car even had a spare tire someone, (and why it was so tiny!) or that hunting could be so much fun! By the way, our young men need to work out more muscles than the ones in their thumbs, not one of them could break loose a lug nut on a wheel. It is no wonder our society is in such a “dependency on others” mindset! We are not passing on “Life Skills” to our children. We have got do more in our “Family Time” then just play sports and have vacations. Family time could also be cooking together, washing clothes together, changing the oil in the car together, building something together, gardening together, doing the dishes together. etc. I just thought I would share a little bit of my experience this past weekend. By the way, the fellas loved it!!!! Enjoy the Fullness of Life with your family!